
FAQs: Legal Aspects

We've compiled a list of the most popular questions that we're asked. Please browse through this list to find the answers you're looking for.

01. Can I travel with my medical cannabis?
Yes, within Canada. Keep your medication in the original container from the Licensed Producer; your information keeping you legal is printed on it. Note that you cannot transport more than one month’s supply at a time. For airline travel, place the cannabis in your carry-on luggage. You also should carry your Licensed Producer patient card at all times.
02. If I get stopped by law enforcement, what is my proof that I can legally carry medicinal cannabis?
Many Licensed Producers will issue you a wallet card that you should keep with you at all times. Otherwise, you will need your government issued ID and your medication in it’s original packaging with your name on it.
03. How much medical cannabis am I legally allowed to carry?
One month’s supply per your medical document.
04. Is it okay to drive after using medical cannabis?
Impaired driving laws are applicable to users of medicinal cannabis.
05. Can I register with a Licensed Producer using my pre-existing Authorization-To-Possess (ATP) from Health Canada?
No, Health Canada requires a medical document to be submitted. Please book with a Harvest Medicine doctor.
06. If my medical document is expired, am I still okay if I get stopped by law enforcement?
No. It’s important to stay current because law enforcement would have no way to know that you were still approved as a medical cannabis patient.