
The Importance of Patient Questionnaires in Medical Cannabis Treatment

3 minute read

Patients often ask us, “Why do you make me fill out so many intake questionnaires and forms? What do you need all this information for?

A Positive Patient Experience

When we say “personalized” care, we mean it! Harvest Medicine (HMED) is no cookie-cutter clinicEach patient is unique in terms of goals and required support.

Take Time…to Make Time

Your time is valuable! By completing relevant and requested intake questionnairesyou help our team efficiently “paint a picture” of your health. Knowing your medical history, challenges, goals, and potential risks ahead of time:

helps our healthcare practitioners and educators better understand what conditions and symptoms take priority
makes your appointment run smoothly and more efficiently
enables you to tailor your questions and make the most of your visit
Medical Cannabis is Medicine!

At HMEDmedical cannabis is regarded as any other pharmaceutical medicationBy completing intake questionnaires, patients provide relevant medical information as they would for a visit to any other clinic or physician.When our team better understands your needs, they can:

customize product and dosage recommendations more effectively
potentially help you reach your treatment goals…and find relief sooner
A Safe, Informed Approach

Having a current, complete medical history at hand minimizes the potential risk of unpleasant side effectsadverse reactions, and interactions with other medications you may be takingFollow-up questionnaires are also just as important! Keeping up-to-date and documenting:

another physician adding or discontinuing a medication
a revised diagnosis
changes in lifestyle factors

helps our team adjust your treatment plan accordingly…and safely! 

The Bigger Picture

Information from patients like yourself can lead to positive change for all medical cannabis usersUnderstanding the needs of medical cannabis users:

helps licensed producers develop new and improved products
directly informs scientific research focusing on specific symptoms and conditions
reduces stigma around medical cannabis use
Help us…help you!

HMED’s mission is to empower our patients through education, support, and guidance along the medical cannabis journey. By completing intake questionnaires and helping us “paint your picture” you are actively working towards your goals and an improved quality of life. Together, we will do our very best to get you where you would like to be!

Learn more about our patient experience and book your first or next appointment online here 

If you need support or have questions, you’re always welcome to reach out at 1-844-488-4633 or online through our contact form. 
