Self-Reported Outcomes
As a center for cannabinoid-excellence, Harvest Medicine has supported thousands of individuals throughout their medical cannabis journey. We believe that data and research benefits medical cannabis patients in Canada…and all over the world. By sharing results from anonymized and randomized self-reported patient data, we are able to see potential trends with medical cannabis patient care, treatment expectations and the impact on quality of life.
The data below illustrates patient outcomes from our inception in 2017 to the end of Q1 – 2021. Spanning 3.5 years, this data contains significant sample sizes ranges from the smallest single condition at 638 all the way up to the total 24664 patients in the overall view.
Whilst completing appointments at Harvest Medicine patients are asked via questionnaires, “Has medical cannabis met your expectations as part of your treatment plan” and “How has medical cannabis impacted your quality of life?” The results on this page reflect the top conditions for which Harvest Medicine patients are seeking treatment. Fulfilled treatment expectations can be found on the left-hand side of the data set(s), represented by green bars. The donut pie chart on the right represents the Quality-of-Life data.
Each question has a unique subset of numbers for total patients (N) as well as total number of responses (how many times the question was answered from routine and mandated follow-up care). You may use the list condition links below to “jump” to your preferred data set.